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People of Monte Hermón- Marlene Murillo

Marlene Murillo Diaz, one of the founding students of Monte Hermón Christian School, expresses deep gratitude for the education she received.

She fondly remembers and admires all her teachers, with special appreciation for pastors Daniel Aragón and Darling Hüeck, who served as her life examples. At 34 years old, Marlene attributes her entrepreneurial spirit to God and the valuable lessons learned at Monte Hermón.

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People of Monte Hermón- Bertha Cruz

Bertha Cruz is one of the founders of the Monte Hermon Christian School and the Morning Light Baptist Church. She feels happy to have been part of it.

She remembers the beginning of the church and school as a beautiful and enriching time. She deeply appreciates the affection of the pastors and teachers towards her and her family. The seed that was sown in their lives has borne fruit, since currently all of them serve God.

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People of Monte Hermón- Héctor Páramo

Héctor Páramo thanks God for allowing him to be part of the Monte Hermón family. The entire school staff, the guidance of pastors Daniel Aragón and Darling Hueck, their teachings and Christ-centered education, helped him develop comprehensively.

Monte Hermón along with the morning light Baptist church have been a great blessing in his life. Through them and the brigades that come to the center, he and his family have been able to receive medical attention. Additionally, they have trained you to improve your leadership and service skills. He is currently part of one of the ministries of the Morning Light Baptist Church and feels happy to be part of the place.

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People of Monte Hermón- Damarys Vallecillo

Damarys Vallecillo is a founding student of Monte Hermón Christian School, a place she remembers with so much affection.

She remembers that education was always taught with love and dedication. She carries each of her teachers in her heart, especially teacher Darling Hüeck, who in addition to being her teacher was her example in life. Also, she thanks MH for giving her the opportunity to be a school reinforcement tutor in the Rock of Eternity project, as it was her first job. She currently works in a company as an administrative assistant, and although time has passed, gratitude and very good memories of Monte Hermón remain in her heart.

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People of Monte Hermón- Oscar Vallecillo

Oscar Danilo Vallecillo expresses gratitude to Monte Hermón for helping him develop his emotional and physical skills.

In 2017, he began studying law but unfortunately couldn't complete the degree. Despite this setback, Monte Hermón provided him with the opportunity to study sports and work as a physical education teacher for elementary and secondary school. Currently, he volunteers at the school, which has contributed to maintaining his mental and spiritual balance. He thanks God for that. With His help and the support received from MH, he has been able to regain control of his life holistically. His goals include completing his university degree, starting his own business, and assists others, just as they did for him.

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People of Monte Hermón- Reynaldo Zeledón

Reynaldo Zeledón remembers the wonderful experience of having studied at Monte Hermón. Every day, he could feel that the Lord blessed him so that he could give 100% of his efforts. He is grateful about the teachers of MH and the pastors of the Morning Light Baptist Church because thanks to them, he could come to know the word of God. Additionally, he felt great support from all the people at MH, considering them as part of his family. He is currently in his third year of nursing and wishes that the Lord continues to bless all the educational staff so that they can continue shaping good men and women.


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People of Monte Hermón- Belkyn Ney

Belkyn Ney López was one of the founders of the Monte Hermón Christian school, and is grateful to have been part of its history.

Doña Darling Hüeck was her first teacher, with her she learned to read and write. At first they received classes under the trees, since there were no classrooms. As time went by, brigades arrived to help in the construction of the school. Thanks to Monte Hermon, she was able to learn Christian values. Such values, have allowed her to recognize God's call to be a teacher, understand children who have difficulty learning, and help them move forward. She is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in primary school teaching in order to fulfill the vision that Jesus put in her.

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People of Monte Hermón- Esmeralda Novoa

She is Esmeralda Novoa, and thanks to Monte Hermón, she was able to find her purpose. When she arrived at Monte Hermón, her life was transformed. She got to know who God is and found a second home. She became a part of the Morning Light Baptist Church, and thanks to her leadership abilities, the pastors opened the doors for her to become a children's tutor. Over time, she realized that was her purpose and began to get more involved in it. Monte Hermón and the Morning Light Baptist Church provided her with love, support, and security. She currently lives in Costa Rica, has a technical career in preschool education, and is a woman filled with faith. Her desire is to be able to return to Nicaragua to support Monte Hermón as they did for her.



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People of Monte Hermón- Josseling Vásquez

She was a founding Monte Hermón Christian School student. In 2000, a couple filled with love and dedication, Pastor Daniel Aragón and his wife Darling, arrived with a calling from God to support the children of her small community (Cedro Galán), which changed everything. They founded Monte Hermon Christian School to provide quality and Christian education for those children who did not have the means to receive proper education. Josseling will forever be grateful to the school and its founders for bringing their educational methods to Cedro Galán. Today, thanks to Monte Hermon, she is a woman with Christian values.

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People of Monte Hermón- Reyna Rodríguez

 Reyna tells us that Monte Hermon was more than a school for her. It was her greatest blessing. The impact that Monte Hermon had on her life after suffering abuse and neglect was all she needed. The guidance and monitoring by Pastor Daniel Aragón, his wife, and the teachers was a total blessing. In addition, she was not the only one who received support. Her family also felt love and support from Monte Hermon. Thanks to the brigades that arrived at Monte Hermon, she and her family were able to receive medical attention. Currently, she is working in one of the ministries of the Morning Light Baptist Church and she thanks the staff of the School for always encouraging her to achieve her goals and for teaching her to lead and serve.

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People of Monte Hermón- Wilmar Vásquez

He completed all his academic years at Monte Hermón Christian School, with no intention of ever forgetting about it. Through his pastors and teachers he came to know the word of God, he got involved in the church, and eventually became the president of the youth group. He is now a licensed clinical psychologist and has returned to Monte Hermón to work as a teacher. Although he is no longer the president of the youth group, his goal remains to help his community grow in their relationship with Jesus. He will always be grateful to Monte Hermón and the Morning Light Baptist Church for providing him with a Christian education that fulfilled God's purposes in his life.



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People of Monte Hermón- Nathalia Salinas

She was 10 years old when she entered Monte Hermon Christian School, and since then, she has considered it her second home as it deeply impacted her spiritual and emotional life. Monte Hermon is the place God used for her to know him and be able to overcome her fears. "I truly received a quality, Christian, and transformative education".


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People of Monte Hermón-Teresa Santana

María Teresa Santana is one of the founders of the Monte Hermon Christian school, and it's something she takes great pride in. Being a part of Monte Hermon had a very special impact on her life because of the love and protection she received from the teachers, Pastor Daniel, and his wife, Darling Hüeck, which helped her move forward after a series of abuses. The pastors of the Luz de la mañana church, along with the school, were a great blessing in her personal and professional life. She is currently a licensed Pharmaceutical Chemist and works at a medical office and pharmacy. "Gratitude is the memory of the heart, and from the heart, I will forever be thankful for all the support given to make my dream possible".

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Online Chat with Pastor Daniel Aragon from Nicaragua

Spotlight Video - Nicaragua

Below is a video discussion had with Daniel Aragaon and his daughter Jill (translating) recently.  

Daniel discusses how the CoronaVirus has impacted his ministry in Cedro Galan, Nicaragua.


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Nicaragua Outreach

Nicaraguan Evangelistic Outreaches

Briarwood High School has been ministering in and around Managua Nicaragua for over 12 years. We partner with pastor Daniel Aragon for outreach to communities, schools and churches to help meet immediate physical needs ultimately leading to their spiritual need - Salvation through Christ. Below are several videos from outreaches performed the last couple of years.  If you would like to help with this ministry





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